David “Boomer” Clark
Name: David “Boomer” Clark
Title: Sales
Started with AZOR: November 19, 1975
How did you get the nickname Boomer?
“I was a really good baseball player and I used to knock the balls out of the park. My friends started calling me Boomer and it has stuck ever since.”
How did you get started with AZOR?
“I was a 19 year old truck driver; that only lasted three days. I would make 60 delivery stops per day. As I dropped off the orders, I would ask them what else they need. I would bring 30-40 orders back to my manager. After three days, he put me in sales and after nine months I was the sales manager.”
What is the biggest year you’ve ever had personally in terms of top line sales?
This November will mark your 43rd anniversary with AZOR. How have you managed to remain the number one salesperson for so long?
“I have had some wonderful mentors along the way. They taught me that the customer is always right. My parents also taught me to give more than anyone has a right to expect. I am a Christian and I work hard to spread the light. I always try to be joyful, upbeat, and happy.”
Over your career, what philosophies have you developed?
“Be careful who you hang out with. My life and my business changed the day I joined a country club. I started hanging out with dreamers. They are hard working, positive people who set goals to get better and do more.”
What are your strengths?
“Relationships, trust, and loyalty.”
What are your weaknesses?
“Answering text messages.”
What’s your favorite thing about what you do?
“I get to make a difference in the lives of those around me. My job allows me to do that.”
What’s your least favorite thing?
“Back orders. We can’t control them.”
What advice would you give to all new salespeople?
“If they were calling on cold accounts, I would have them do one of two things. They should say to the customer, “I want to earn your biz. If you’ve got something you’re having trouble with give it to me and let me handle it for you.” That allows me to earn their trust. Then slowly, I add more and more business.”
“I’d also have them say to a cold call, “If I can give you much better service than you’re currently getting and do it while saving money or at least spending the same, would you be willing to make a change?” If they say no I don’t waste my time.”
Can you tell us a great “Boomer” story?
“I can never hold season tickets to UT again and I am banned from the field. Sorry, but I can’t discuss the details.”
“I once sold $58,000 worth of Sharpies in a single order.”
With your current knowledge and wisdom if you could go back in time and speak with a 20 year old David Clark, what advice would you give yourself?
“In life: Pay better attention to my marriage.”
“In biz: Join a country club NOW. Make lots of friends.”
What is something people would be surprised to learn about you (special talents, travels, skills, hobbies, etc.)?
“I was a fill in wrestler in front of 9,000 people at the Municipal Auditorium in Nashville. “The Professional” was my stage name. I went to Vandy on a track scholarship and ran the mile in 4 min 8 sec. I have hit 9 “hole-in-one” shots and have actually hit one double eagle (a very difficult shot).”
Interview by Rick Haley